Good bye to 2005 and HELLO to the HAPPY NEW YEAR of
2006! Whoohooo!
A world of peace for every person, place and thing! Prayer for all for
Peace is Love and Joy, Joanie
January 1, 2006 Sunday
'Walk Your Talk' - You know more than you do. Consciously strive
to do more of what you know every day. Communication is a huge issue
with yourself. The more you do the better you get, so start listening
and hearing and following the inner voice of your higher self. You have
been developing the skill, now practice INSTANT OBEDIENCE TO THE ONE.
Sapphire, Blue - brings gifts of fulfillment; strengthens
faith; clarity of speech; angelic assistance from above for the asking.
MESSAGE #33 - 3 (trinity of you God Holy Spirit) plus
3 (double that) equals 6 ( powerful illumination to see where you are
and where you have been and where you are to go…all of this while
you are resting in the hands of unconditional LOVE). A beauty breath
(ahhhhhh) of relief would be lovely right now;-)
January 2, 2006 Monday
'180 Degree Rule…Do The Opposite' - You are in a rut.
Know you want to change. Where to start? Figure out how you usually
react to the situation. Calculate what the opposite of that is. Consciously
choose to change your world by changing the way you react. (This is
rule #1 in my book, Save Your Self First.)
Pietersite, stormy electric blue, black matrix, earthy red and
mustard swirls - grounds energy centers to the etheric body;
'eye' of the storm energy; reveals good choices from chaotic energy;
remember, change is your friend.
MESSAGE #25 - 2 (partnership and working harmony) plus
5 (the changes that choosing freedom and accepting responsibility for
your life bring, in the process of redefining your life) equals 7 (the
ultimate awakening of your soul into the consciousness of co-creating
your life as a spiritual human).
January 3, 2006 Tuesday
'Life Is A Game…Are You Playing?' – There it is.
Shakespeare understood, do you? Are you so caught up in trying to control
every little thing in your life, that you are not remembering to actually
live your life? Have some fun. Rewrite the script for your life in a
bold new way. Go on…
Chalcedony, Pale Blue – emotional clearing and
healthy balancing qualities in the area of communication; useful in
developing the art of discrimination.
MESSAGE #18 – 1 (Creator) plus 8 (manifestation)
equals serving the universal good (9) which includes your beautiful
January 4, 2006 Wednesday
'Self-awareness Through Self-observation' - Self-awareness
is the art of knowing and consciously choosing. Self-observation is
a way in which one becomes self-aware. The act of self-observation gives
you personal insight, through self-awareness, to know and understand
the behaviors that have created your life. Learn to choose your life
experiences from a place of balanced trust and understanding. Try this
experiment: Observe your life for today. What is happening? What dramas?
What part do you play? For this one day, do not participate, only watch,
a silent watcher. Do not judge, only observe. At the end of the day,
ask yourself, "What did I learn about my life by watching myself
Blue Lace Agate, pale blue, usually banded - calming
communications; brings emotional tranquility and stability into your
existence; helps cool hot flashes (like a blue ice cube) and balance
the hormonal causes; useful for inner attunement and flights of mental
fancy; cooling to the brain.
MESSAGE #42 - 4 (foundation and concrete decisions
to move forward) plus 2 (team and partnership with the God of your heart)
equals 6 (the stability and security afforded those who make choices
and remake choices to suit their desires).
January 5, 2006 Thursday
'She Who Know Her Own Power'/'He Who Knows His Own Power' -
All you desire is within yourself. Your 'job', should you choose to
accept, is to recognize and live your worth. Your life is a living meditation
and everything is sacred.
Danburite, Clear, may contain faint pink hue - very powerful activator
used as a shamanic enhancement tool; energetic lightening vibration;
very quick to strike and aim (intention) must be precise; contains a
very safe field of energy for those who are drawn to work with it.
MESSAGE #5 - 5 (5 is the middle and all about accessing where you are
and where you want to be and initiating the change, the catalyst necessary
to propel yourself into the directional stream of energy that you wish
to go and Creator wishes you to go. Freedom and change are key words
of 5.)
January 6, 2006 Friday
'Whose Problem Is It' – What? You do not have enough
of your own problems and you willingly are asking to solve someone else’s
problems? Oh, please. Let folks solve their own problems. They will
feel so pleased with them selves, regardless how they may struggle to
do so. You solve your own problems first! And then, you can move on
to assist others with their problems if you are drawn to.
Aquamarine, Blue – calms anxieties and fears;
relieves nervous tensions; relaxed attitude encourages courage to face
your life head on.
MESSAGE #31 – 3 (Creative juices flowing) plus
1(Divine inspiration) equals 4 (secure foundation built with the understanding
that change in constant, so be flexible – like Gumby!)
January 7, 2006 Saturday
'Clear Your Mind' – Meditate on nothing and receive everything.
Learn to listen to the voice within the silence. Shhh…become a
good listener. De-clutter you mind, your environment and your life right
Fluorite, any colour – reduces static energy;
calms desires; use near computer to reduce static charge; acts as a
washing agent to clear your mind.
MESSAGE #30 – 3 (creative, moving energy) plus
0 (the void where all creation lives) equals 3 (inspire yourself to
be a living example of tolerance).
January 8, 2006 Sunday
'What You Think About You Draw To You' - Whatever you are focusing
your attention on, that is what you draw to you . Wherever you put your
attention, that is where you will go. So, knowing this, pay attention
to exactly what you are creating in your life. Are you happy with the
way things are going? Are you conscious of what you are 'drawing' to
yourself? Pay attention. Where are your thoughts leading you and is
that where you want to go? This is rule # 4 in my book, Save Your Self
First. (see also Mind Magnetics, card #1.)
Turquoise, rich turquoise blue to yellow-green, depending on
source location- protective, healing and balancing in nature.
A spirit connector of Father Sky and Mother Earth energy. Recreates
the dynamics of 'as above, so below'. A oneness energy of safety and
tranquility through spiritual illumination and earthly action.
MESSAGE #40 - 4 (foundation and structure, tested and
true) plus 0 (the void of all creation and dis-creation; an alchemical
soup) equals 4 (a practiced and firm foundation that has been remodeled
and improved through three cycles of ten and now enters into the threshold
of recreating what has been assimilated and refined (40)).
January 9, 2006 Monday
'Laughing At Yourself' – Laugh out loud. You are so funny.
You’re neat. You are beautiful! The colour of spring and the joy
that being alive brings you. Perhaps you are taking yourself and your
life way too seriously? Laugh at yourself and lighten up. Life is a
game and games are fun!
Peridot, Green – balances physical energy; repels
emotional stress; can cool sexual passions (colour of chartreuse); a
breath of fresh air for the analytical mind.
MESSAGE #27 – 2 (partnership with Creator in
the lead) plus 7 (spiritual exploration and meditation on life’s
mysteries) equals 9 (blending the understanding that signs of validation
and next direction are everywhere. Follow them to the next phase of
January 10, 2006 Tuesday
'Remember Your Lineage' – You are Royalty. Descended
from the long line of masterful beings. A child of The One. You have
complete access to all life has to offer from all time: past, present,
future. Honour the gift of life and the Giver. Hold your head high and
walk ye in glory. You already know what you are seeking. Go within.
Ask. Remember who you are. Open yourself to receive. Accept your lineage
and express 'the gift'.
Petrified Wood, Brown – grounds emotional security;
reveals clan memories; centers those unable to move forward on lifepath.
MESSAGE #3 - 3 (The Trinity; triangle of light and
life; one point down is you and two points up connects you to the ethers
and the akashic records.)
January 11, 2006 Wednesday
'Confused And Don't Know What To Do?' - Understand this. Most
likely you are not really confused or unsure about what action step
to take. You only tell yourself that you are confused because you want
to be nice and you don't want to hurt someone else's feelings. Sometimes
you don't even like that person and still, you torture yourself with
feelings of confusion and guilt. The bottom line is: Do you hurt or
disappoint someone else OR do you choose YOU and take a stand for deliberately
directing your own life? Think about this and where you can apply this
wisdom in your life today.
Agate, clear, translucent, cut potato looking - relates
to physical and emotional attitudes; healing action in a gentle, slow
and steady way; heavy saline quality and acts nourishing like saline
solution, like a nourishing blood transfusion.
MESSAGE #41 - 4 (foundation arranged and rearrange
through four cycles thus refined and more focused) plus 1 (beginning
again with the refined skills of a practiced master returning to the
position of the student) equals 5 (a place where the master-always-the-student
knows there is no place, there is no thing there is nothing, there is
every place, there is every thing there is every thing contained within
the change and freedom of allowing your authentic self to 'be').
January 12, 2006 Thursday
'180 Degree Rule…Do The Opposite' - You are in a rut.
Know you want to change. Where to start? Figure out how you usually
react to the situation. Calculate what the opposite of that is. Consciously
choose to change your world by changing the way you react. (This is
rule #1 in my book, Save Your Self First.)
Pietersite, stormy electric blue, black matrix, earthy red and
mustard swirls - grounds energy centers to the etheric body;
'eye' of the storm energy; reveals good choices from chaotic energy;
remember, change is your friend.
MESSAGE #25 - 2 (partnership and working harmony) plus
5 (the changes that choosing freedom and accepting responsibility for
your life bring, in the process of redefining your life) equals 7 (the
ultimate awakening of your soul into the consciousness of co-creating
your life as a spiritual human).
January 13, 2006 Friday
'Ask For What You Desire' – This can be different than
what you want or what you need. Be clear and ask aloud. What is it that
you desire most, for starters?
Crystal Point, Clear – elevates thought patterns;
electrical in nature; mirrors and magnifies your thought forms…'the
good, the bad, the ugly, the beauty'. Soooo, watch your self-talk!
MESSAGE #26 – 2 (team and partnership with the
One) plus 6 (responsibility for actions and life behaviors) equals 8
(the freedom to work with others for your personal gain and the benefit
of all).
January 14, 2006 Saturday
'Whoa! Slow Down' – The depths of your brilliance can
be discovered by healing yourself from the inside out. Inner peace-outer
beauty. You are being shown that which desires your attention and love.
Could it be you?
Obsidian, Black – grounds spirit into physical
body after spiritual work; grounding in general; contains reflective
qualities due to volcanic glass make up.
MESSAGE #29 – 2 (co-creating team of you and
the One) plus 9 (service to the greater good) equals 11 ( a master number
designed to show you that you are prepared for the task at hand in your
January 15, 2006 Sunday
'Remember Your Lineage' – You are Royalty. Descended
from the long line of masterful beings. A child of The One. You have
complete access to all life has to offer from all time: past, present,
future. Honour the gift of life and the Giver. Hold your head high and
walk ye in glory. You already know what you are seeking. Go within.
Ask. Remember who you are. Open yourself to receive. Accept your lineage
and express 'the gift'.
Petrified Wood, Brown – grounds emotional security;
reveals clan memories; centers those unable to move forward on lifepath.
MESSAGE #3 - 3 (The Trinity; triangle of light and
life; one point down is you and two points up connects you to the ethers
and the akashic records.)
January 16, 2006 Monday
'Show Your Appreciation' - You deserve to have a wonderful
life. In fact THE most wonderful life. Begin your journey anew this
day by showing your heartfelt appreciation and earnest gratitude for
what you already have; for what you have this moment. The act of appreciation
for having opens the door for happiness to come into your life.
Apatite, Blue - this stone's major contribution is
harbored (sheltered) in its ability to allow you to know and understand
that you may release the idea (belief) that you deserve to suffer because
of a self concept (belief) of personal unworthiness; reduces stuttering
and stimulates feelings of self-worth. Vibrates to the "I'm okay
- You're okay" mentality.
MESSAGE #2 - 2 (co-creation, partnership, union, harmonious
interaction as a result of spirit-filled direction and guidance.)
January 17, 2006 Tuesday
'What You Think About You Draw To You' - Whatever you are focusing
your attention on, that is what you draw to you . Wherever you put your
attention, that is where you will go. So, knowing this, pay attention
to exactly what you are creating in your life. Are you happy with the
way things are going? Are you conscious of what you are 'drawing' to
yourself? Pay attention. Where are your thoughts leading you and is
that where you want to go? This is rule # 4 in my book, Save Your Self
First. (see also Mind Magnetics, card #1.)
Turquoise, rich turquoise blue to yellow-green, depending on
source location- protective, healing and balancing in nature.
A spirit connector of Father Sky and Mother Earth energy. Recreates
the dynamics of 'as above, so below'. A oneness energy of safety and
tranquility through spiritual illumination and earthly action.
MESSAGE #40 - 4 (foundation and structure, tested and
true) plus 0 (the void of all creation and dis-creation; an alchemical
soup) equals 4 (a practiced and firm foundation that has been remodeled
and improved through three cycles of ten and now enters into the threshold
of recreating what has been assimilated and refined (40)).
January 18, 2006 Wednesday
'Set Your Intention' - This is classic training (retraining).
Once a student exclaim, "Why, if I set my intention for everything,
I won't have time to do anything else all day, that is all I will be
doing!" My reply went like this: "When you retrain yourself
and learn to automatically set your intention before you go and do something
(anything), your life will move in a rhythm much like the flow of the
river. You set your course by setting your intention. If you do not
set your course, if you do not set your destination, what does it matter
where you go or when you get there?" Setting your intention comes
from consciously listening to your higher self and Creator. Start simple:
'My intention is to lovingly wash these clothes fresh and clean.' Where
will you start setting your intention today?
Sodalite, royal blue, with occasional sheen, often has white
markings of calcite - helps to dispel guilt from physical body;
helps new psychics and intuitives accept opening to spirit; earthly
and practical wisdom
MESSAGE #43 - 4 (foundation of concrete substance in
mind, thought and deed) plus 3 (markedly moving your wisdom understandings
out into the world around you) equals 7 (focusing on the spiritual intent
of everything around you and knowing that all is connected and you are
indeed one with all and all is one with you).
January 19, 2006 Thursday
'Life Is A Game…Are You Playing?' – There it is.
Shakespeare understood, do you? Are you so caught up in trying to control
every little thing in your life, that you are not remembering to actually
live your life? Have some fun. Rewrite the script for your life in a
bold new way. Go on…
Chalcedony, Pale Blue – emotional clearing and
healthy balancing qualities in the area of communication; useful in
developing the art of discrimination.
MESSAGE #18 – 1 (Creator) plus 8 (manifestation)
equals serving the universal good (9) which includes your beautiful
January 20, 2006 Friday
'Whose Problem Is It' – What? You do not have enough
of your own problems and you willingly are asking to solve someone else’s
problems? Oh, please. Let folks solve their own problems. They will
feel so pleased with them selves, regardless how they may struggle to
do so. You solve your own problems first! And then, you can move on
to assist others with their problems if you are drawn to.
Aquamarine, Blue – calms anxieties and fears;
relieves nervous tensions; relaxed attitude encourages courage to face
your life head on.
MESSAGE #31 – 3 (Creative juices flowing) plus
1(Divine inspiration) equals 4 (secure foundation built with the understanding
that change in constant, so be flexible – like Gumby!)
January 21, 2006 Saturday
'In The End Only Kindness Matters' – Truth in words as
the refrain from that wonderful song! Forgive yourself and everyone
else. Be a living example of the strength and the power of kindness.
Start today!
Chrysoprase, Minty Green – complete chakra alignment;
balancing to the auric field; helps mend broken hearts on the emotional
and physical levels especially.
MESSAGE #23 – 2 (you and Creator) plus 3 (the
Trinity of heavenly helpers) equals 5 (representing the changes which
initiate the new healing that will lift yourself up to the next level).
January 22, 2006 Sunday
'Confused And Don't Know What To Do?' - Understand this. Most
likely you are not really confused or unsure about what action step
to take. You only tell yourself that you are confused because you want
to be nice and you don't want to hurt someone else's feelings. Sometimes
you don't even like that person and still, you torture yourself with
feelings of confusion and guilt. The bottom line is: Do you hurt or
disappoint someone else OR do you choose YOU and take a stand for deliberately
directing your own life? Think about this and where you can apply this
wisdom in your life today.
Agate, clear, translucent, cut potato looking - relates
to physical and emotional attitudes; healing action in a gentle, slow
and steady way; heavy saline quality and acts nourishing like saline
solution, like a nourishing blood transfusion.
MESSAGE #41 - 4 (foundation arranged and rearrange
through four cycles thus refined and more focused) plus 1 (beginning
again with the refined skills of a practiced master returning to the
position of the student) equals 5 (a place where the master-always-the-student
knows there is no place, there is no thing there is nothing, there is
every place, there is every thing there is every thing contained within
the change and freedom of allowing your authentic self to 'be').
January 23, 2006 Monday
'Show Your Appreciation' - You deserve to have a wonderful
life. In fact THE most wonderful life. Begin your journey anew this
day by showing your heartfelt appreciation and earnest gratitude for
what you already have; for what you have this moment. The act of appreciation
for having opens the door for happiness to come into your life.
Apatite, Blue - this stone's major contribution is
harbored (sheltered) in its ability to allow you to know and understand
that you may release the idea (belief) that you deserve to suffer because
of a self concept (belief) of personal unworthiness; reduces stuttering
and stimulates feelings of self-worth. Vibrates to the "I'm okay
- You're okay" mentality.
MESSAGE #2 - 2 (co-creation, partnership, union, harmonious
interaction as a result of spirit-filled direction and guidance.)
January 24, 2006 Tuesday
'Relax There Is Plenty Of Time' – Everything is changing
so rapidly. The dominoes have been set up and the first ‘push’
has been given. So, relax, as you watch the dominoes fall. After the
last domino has fallen, THEN you make your move. Not before.
Alexandrite, Red-Green-Purple-Blue – stimulates
‘I LOVE LIFE’ attitude; restores vitality and energizes
metabolic system; inhibits cording; sophisticated energy; guards personal
MESSAGE #11 – 11 (the first master number after
the cycle of evolution through the numbers 1-10; higher level of development
on lifepath, kicking your soul work up a notch from the 2 vibration.)
January 25, 2006 Wednesday
'180 Degree Rule…Do The Opposite' - You are in a rut.
Know you want to change. Where to start? Figure out how you usually
react to the situation. Calculate what the opposite of that is. Consciously
choose to change your world by changing the way you react. (This is
rule #1 in my book, Save Your Self First.)
Pietersite, stormy electric blue, black matrix, earthy red and
mustard swirls - grounds energy centers to the etheric body;
'eye' of the storm energy; reveals good choices from chaotic energy;
remember, change is your friend.
MESSAGE #25 - 2 (partnership and working harmony) plus
5 (the changes that choosing freedom and accepting responsibility for
your life bring, in the process of redefining your life) equals 7 (the
ultimate awakening of your soul into the consciousness of co-creating
your life as a spiritual human).
January 26. 2006 Thursday
'Take Action Now' – Now is the time to shake off the
fears and self-doubts and make your move. You have prepared and you
are ready. Ready-Set-Go!
Garnet, Red – opens root (base) chakra and makes
one aware of survival beliefs that are no longer useful; decreases ego
willfulness; business activator.
MESSAGE #14 – 1 (Divine Will) plus 4 (solid foundation)
equals 5 (freedom through the momentum of change).
January 27, 2006 Friday
'Worry Is Prayer For What You Don't Want' - Through the years,
I have learned to understand the energy of prayer. It is a focused energy
created by focused thoughtforms. Years ago, an epiphany came to me.
It was this: The act of worrying creates the exact, same focused energy
that the act of praying creates. Wow! What a mind blower! Worry is really
a prayer of focused energy, hoping for, what I don't want to happen
to happen. Whoa! Knowing and understanding this has been my greatest
tool in retraining the 'worrier' in me. When you find yourself worrying,
ask a simple question. "Are these thoughts what I want to happen
in my life?"
Bloodstone, dark green with blood red markings - a
blood purifier when marked with the red; can remove emotional blocks
and limitations by compassionate awareness. When paired with leopardskin
jasper, a synergy can exist thus creating a helpfulness when attending
to details of life.
MESSAGE #39 - 3 (trinity of creation) plus 9 (understanding
the need to serve the human good, the universal good) equals 12/3 (the
12 focuses the numbers of the four direction and the four quadrants
of 3 and the 3 returns the world experience to the trinity of creation).
January 28, 2006 Saturday
'Self-awareness Through Self-observation' - Self-awareness
is the art of knowing and consciously choosing. Self-observation is
a way in which one becomes self-aware. The act of self-observation gives
you personal insight, through self-awareness, to know and understand
the behaviors that have created your life. Learn to choose your life
experiences from a place of balanced trust and understanding. Try this
experiment: Observe your life for today. What is happening? What dramas?
What part do you play? For this one day, do not participate, only watch,
a silent watcher. Do not judge, only observe. At the end of the day,
ask yourself, "What did I learn about my life by watching myself
Blue Lace Agate, pale blue, usually banded - calming
communications; brings emotional tranquility and stability into your
existence; helps cool hot flashes (like a blue ice cube) and balance
the hormonal causes; useful for inner attunement and flights of mental
fancy; cooling to the brain.
MESSAGE #42 - 4 (foundation and concrete decisions
to move forward) plus 2 (team and partnership with the God of your heart)
equals 6 (the stability and security afforded those who make choices
and remake choices to suit their desires).
January 29, 2006 Sunday
'Laughing At Yourself' – Laugh out loud. You are so funny.
You’re neat. You are beautiful! The colour of spring and the joy
that being alive brings you. Perhaps you are taking yourself and your
life way too seriously? Laugh at yourself and lighten up. Life is a
game and games are fun!
Peridot, Green – balances physical energy; repels
emotional stress; can cool sexual passions (colour of chartreuse); a
breath of fresh air for the analytical mind.
MESSAGE #27 – 2 (partnership with Creator in
the lead) plus 7 (spiritual exploration and meditation on life’s
mysteries) equals 9 (blending the understanding that signs of validation
and next direction are everywhere. Follow them to the next phase of
January 30, 2006 Monday
‘You Are The Cup’ – This analogy is Rule
# 2 in my book, Save Your Self First. Here it is: “You are the
cup. It is your responsibility to fill up your own cup. You do not drink
from someone else’s cup. You do not let others drink from your
cup. You fill up your cup by giving time to your self every day. You
establish and maintain a healthy relationship with your Creator daily.”
Daily meditation and contemplation fill up your cup. Regular self care.
Eventually, after time, you are giving and receiving daily, the blessings
of spiritual well being. “Your cup runneth over.” (and continues
to do so, because you continue to give to your self.) Eventually, the
constant continual inflow, creates OVERFLOW, causing your cup to ‘runneth
over’. ( You didn’t think it was real did you?) It is this
overflow that you gift to the world at your choosing. This overflow
is pure unconditional love in its highest vibration. The supply is endless.
There are no strings attached to your giving. You have found your self
and given generously. You love your self. YOU ARE THE CUP!
Kyanite, Blue – heals blockages and burnout in
all auric bodies on all levels; self-clearing: acts like a self-cleaning
oven; encourages speaking from higher truth where kindness is the utmost
treasure; cutting action (blades) helpful for energetic cord removal
and other energetic medical adventures.
MESSAGE #12 – 1 (The Nameless One, Prime Force)
plus 2 (teamwork, cooperation) equals 3 (the creative outworking of
Spirit through the human form).
January 31, 2006 Tuesday
“Only Peace Is Real. Everything Else Is An Illusion”
– These words, given to me by Spirit, have been my personal credo
since 1999. Words to mull over and strive to understand… Perfect
peace exists right now. Thriving and flourishing in it’s lush
abundance. Our ‘job’ is to remove the veils of illusion
that separate us from the great peace. It is ours. Always has been,
always will be. It is ours to reject or to accept. When you see illusion
(anything that is not peace), do you remind yourself that it is an illusion?
DO you touch the illusion and see it shimmer into nothingness? DO you
then see the essence of peace, waiting behind the veil? ‘Behind
the wall that is not?’
Ruby, Red –stimulates and intensifies the will
to live; passion amplified; devotion crystallized; red-hot love.
MESSAGE #32 – 3 (creative force that comes from
the Divine Will of the Creator) plus 2 (Divine inspiration accessible
to all humans as co-creative energy) equals 5 (the movers and shakers
of the world ride the high vibration into the void to re-create their
reality). jlv2006©™
GameCards of Life...Are You Playing? Trademark and Copyrighted
Love Those Rocks Trademark and Copyright 1999-06
Daily Forecast News 'Plan your day...Tap into the mood of the universe'
Copyrighted 2004-6 Reverend Joan Louise Vogel d.b.a. Reverend Joanie
A. Vogel